STAND 2020 postponed

It is with sorrow yet trust in our Heavenly Father's good purposes that we formally announce the cancellation of the 2020 Stand for the Gospel Conference with Don Carson. This is probably not a surprise to most. The global situation with Covid-19 and the ongoing travel restrictions, which are likely to be in place for the foreseeable future, makes holding a conference like this very difficult and practically impossible to plan.

Don Carson has confirmed the following dates for 2021 Conferences:

16-18 July Christchurch
23-25 July Auckland

Lord willing these will proceed as scheduled!

We are all in the midst of circumstances which are very new to us and our churches in our lifetimes. We hold fast to the faithfulness and character of God as we seek to trust Him and serve His people in such a time as this. Conferences are a blessing, but they are not essential to the life of the church. Jesus is essential and He has promised never to leave or forsake His people.

We pray you all find lasting joy as you trust Him, follow Him and love God and His people.

We will keep you informed of developments for 2021 as we know them.

Blessings in Christ,

Steering Committee, Stand for the Gospel


STAND 2020-22 speakers and dates