2022 Conference
For all in NZ it will come as no surprise that we are once again cancelling the Stand for the Gospel Conferences this year. We are not in a place to provide any information on future plans at this time.
We do pray you are striving faithfully in your love for Christ and His people as you seek to serve one another in these challenging times.
We are thankful for the many years of hosting the Stand for the Gospel Conference. However, we are even more thankful for the church in New Zealand and God's faithfulness to build His church. Conferences are great but they are not essential.
Let us all continue to strive to serve our Saviour as active and faithful servants within the particular body/church where He has placed us to the praise of His glorious grace!
With gratefulness,
STAND Conference Committee
For what’s of first importance.
Stand for the Gospel is an annual bible conference that seeks to encourage the church in Aotearoa New Zealand to celebrate and proclaim what’s of first importance: the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only hope for our world. As the Lord wills, we meet together annually to encourage each other to proclaim, and hold fast to the gospel that has been entrusted to the church.
Previous conferences
Catch up on 10 years of powerful sermons, practical seminars, and more.
About us
We began in 2010 as a Bible conference by the local church, for the local church.